Sunday, November 15, 2009

Puppies 3 days old

These pictures were taken on 11/12/09.

Last litter I decided I was not going to name the puppies the 6 weeks we would have them because I did not want to get attached to them. Well, that didn't work. I fell in love with 'Girl with Dot on Her Head', 'Two Dot Boy', etc, still... So this litter I thought it would be easiest to give them names for the 6 weeks we are here. They all make sense in my head based on their markings so it's real easy for me to tell who they are now! We have 3 boys and 5 girls: Big Hunk, Babe Ruth, Lil' Bow Wow, Lady, Angel, Pocahontas, Polka Dot and Shimmy!
from left to right: (Shimmy and Pocahontas)

(Polka Dot, Lady, Big Hunk)

(Polka Dot)

(Pocahontas, Lil' Bow Wow, Big Hunk)



(Lil' Bow Wow, Big Hunk, Pocahontas, Babe Ruth, Polka Dot, Lady, Shimmy, Angel)

(Lil' Bow Wow and Babe Ruth)

(Lil' Bow Wow)


(Big Hunk, Babe Ruth, Lady, Polka Dot, Pocahontas, Angel, Lil' Bow Wow, Shimmy)

(Big Hunk)

(Babe Ruth)

(Angel on top, Polka Dot on bottom)

(Lil' Bow Wow, Big Hunk, Pocahontas, Babe Ruth, Polka Dot, Lady, Shimmy and Angel on bottom)

