These first two pics are of the babies on their birthday.
All babies and mama are doing great. Healthy and eating up a storm. These little babies have grown and gotten fatter already! Pickles is being such a wonderful mother.
We set up a 'mini trap' to the box to make sure the puppies couldn't get out, but something told me that they would succeed. And I was right. I was cooking dinner and looked over and saw puppy #1 (the largest and mostly white) crawling around the kitchen floor trying to figure out what to do. Poor little guy. So I figured I had to make some other 'gate type of thing' that will be easy for Pickles to get out of but keep the pups in. Let's hope it works for another week and then I'll make it bigger.
Here's a cute pic of our kitty cat, Ares.
Here's a cute pic of our kitty cat, Ares.