It has been reported that before a dog goes into the first stage of labor (which lasts 12-24 hrs in which they are real anxious, pant and begin to nest,) that their temperature has a slight drop. Average temp for a dog is 101 – 102.5. Then it should drop about 3 degrees right before their first stage begins. Pickles’ temp last night was 100.5 and we took it this morning and it was 100. Last night Noodles was up whining in his kennel all night just like he did when Pickles was in heat. She must have been putting off some sort of hormone and he wasn't sure what to do. Poor baby. Jason took her temp during lunch today and it’s 99.5! So if it’s dropped more when we get home about today, then I am assuming she will have the puppies sometime this weekend. Time will only tell though.
Thank you for sharing this with us!!